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Mike LIM

Partner, TRIREC. Climate Tech Advisor, Singapore Deep Tech Alliance

Mike LIM
Title [SDF2023 Research Findings - 2] Climate Tech: A Game-Changer in our Quest for a Carbon-Neutral World
Times of the Remarks 2023. 11. 02. 14:00-15:05

Mike LIM is a partner at TRIREC and a seasoned manager with more than 20 years of experience in business operations and entrepreneurship. Skilled in strategic business planning and execution, with a particular focus on strategic advisory, fundraising, M&A and corporate finance, Mike held various senior management roles in investment banking and corporations in Asia including Director at Thirdrock and Soteiria Capital. He is also a former debt capital markets manager at Norinchukin Bank, the founder of several IoT and foodtech start-ups and the former CEO of an early education business which he successfully exited to an Asian PE .

In parallel to his role at TRIREC, Mike is currently a mentor of Innovate 360, a Singapore-based Agrifood Tech incubator. He is also recently appointed as the Climate Tech advisor at Singapore Deep Tech Alliance, a Singapore-based Deep-tech Incubator. Mike holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration (BBA) with Second Upper Honors from the National University of Singapore.

[Session Title and Description]

Is Climate Tech investment at its inflexion point? A Climate Tech VC’s perspective

While the world understand the urgent needs to address climate change, why has it been grappling with find solutions to the climate problem? The role of a climate tech investor, pitfall and challenges in climate tech investment, trends and technologies to look out for. Why climate tech investment is at its inflexion point?