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JEONG Su-jong

Associate Professor of Environmental Planning, Director of Climate Technology Center, Seoul National University. Member of 2050 Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth Commission

JEONG Su-jong
Title [SDF2023 Research Findings - 2] Climate Tech: A Game-Changer in our Quest for a Carbon-Neutral World
Times of the Remarks 2023. 11. 02. 14:00-15:05

JEONG Su-jong is a professor in the Department of Environmental Planning at Seoul National University and director of the Climate Technology Center. He earned his PhD from Seoul National University in 2010 and worked as a researcher at Princeton University and NASA before going on to teach for two years as an assistant professor at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). He is active in conducting research on climate change, with over 100 published papers, and has been recognized with such honors as selection by the Korean Ministry of Science and ICT for its 100 Outstanding Contributions to National R&D in 2019 and the Scientist of the Year Award in 2022. As the only scientist in Korea researching carbon cycles at all levels - from cities to the entire globe - Professor Jeong is acutely aware of the serious threat posed by climate change and has accordingly expanded the scope of his research to include a focus on solutions to the climate crisis. Since 2022, he has been a member of the Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth Commission, a presidentially appointed body, in its Subcommittee on a Just Transition & Climate Adaptation, as well as Chair of the Climate Technology Committee. This year, he played an instrumental role as a first-mover in the creation of Korea’s climate technology sector with the establishment of the Climate Technology Center, which aims to foster the climate technology sector as a key national growth engine.